Monday, 20 February 2017

Pig Exercise-Part IV

Here is the exercise for pig language. It is referring to some raw data as it is large in space so it cannot be posted here.

For raw data post your email ID in comment.

A. Load Customer records
cust = load '/input/custs' using PigStorage(',') as (custid:chararray, firstname:chararray, lastname:chararray,age:long,profession:chararray);

B. Select only 100 records
amt = limit cust 100;
dump amt;

c. Group customer records by profession
groupbyprofession = group cust by profession;

D. Count no of customers by profession
countbyprofession = foreach groupbyprofession generate group, COUNT(cust);
dump countbyprofession;

E. Load transaction records
txn = load '/input/txns' using PigStorage(',') as(txnid:chararray, date:chararray,custid:chararray,amount:double,category:chararray,product:chararray,city:chararray,state:chararray,type:chararray);

F. Group transactions by customer
txnbycust = group txn by custid;

G. Sum total amount spent by each customer
spendbycust = foreach txnbycust generate group, SUM(txn.amount);

H. Order the customer records beginning from highest spender
custorder = order spendbycust by $1 desc;

I. Select only top 100 customers
top100cust = limit custorder 100;

J. Join the transactions with customer details
top100join = join top100cust by $0, cust by $0;
describe top100join;

K. Select the required fields from the join for final output
top100 = foreach top100join generate $0,$3,$4,$5,$6,$1;
describe top100;

L.Dump the final output
dump top100;

Update yourself and keep visit

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